You know how, when you are younger the grown ups talk about how when you get older you will appreciate things more? Well now that I am the grown up(oh shit) I realize they were right. DAMMIT! Just one more thing for my mother to say "I told you so" to. But really, I sit here is a rather introspective mood in a retrospective place and think about how the little things are so very important. For anyone that knows me, I am a highly emotional person. I cry at the drop of a hat. I am moved to tears by a great piece of music, or lyrics. I cry at points in action movies that remind me of little things in my own life. Silly I know. I have a no animal movie rule in my house. If my kids want to watch an animal movie, they have to do it without me and forget Animal Planet. Old Yeller is strictly forbidden in my home and I feel like making your child watch it is tantamount to child abuse. Animals give unconditional love. They are innocent creatures who do not hate, they do n...
If you could see inside my head, you would understand!